Sunday, September 14, 2008

I just love making things especially my Penny Rugs which I have made hundreds of but don't ask me to make a pillow - they turn out looking like a squashed loaf of bread!

So last week I was doing some odds and ends shopping at Walmart and saw these wonderful pillows for $6.00 - they just screamed 'buy me, buy me' I did! I bought 4 of them! I was amazed at the quality with piping around the edges to boot!

I had purchased some linen towels awhile back with sheep on them and had a brainstorm - I could cut off the unwanted portion and stitch the design onto the pillow - WOW...I love them.

After finishing these I decided they were going to make a wonderful product to sell at my In-Home Holiday out I went to every Walmart I could find for more.
I ended up with 8 black, 4 deep red and 4 ivory.

Guess that's enough to keep me busy - look for different designs as time goes on.


  1. Karen, I love that pillow. We went out of town today to go to Joannes & the store is moving to a much larger place, so it was almost empty. No black woolfelt. I was so bummed. I think they will be in the new store within a couple of weeks.


  2. Wow, I think your pillow looks great. I don't suppose you got the towels at Wal Mart? Anyway it was a successful idea.

    Primitive woolens.typepad

  3. Hi Pam....thanks.
    Tomorrow they are going on my sofa for the first time...Country Sampler is coming for the photo shoot and I'v been saving they will be in the pictures somewhere....
    All the JoAnns stores I went to were very low on wool felt too.
    I placed an order with National Non-Wovens for my supply and I was so tempted to tell him to get a representative to the head honcho at JoAnns! LOL....don't think it would have mattered to

  4. Katie, thanks so much.
    Nope, the towels came from a wholesale show I went to but they would be so easy for anyone to make.
    Just buy some Onseburg fabric, cut it to the size you want, fray the edges and stitch a design on. As you can see the design is very, very simple...that's what I love about Prims and Folk Art....simple.

  5. Karen,
    Well thanks to you and your wonderful pillow posting on your blog and on CS Forum, I am knee deep in pillows. I too have black, deep red, cream and lucious gold pillows. The only problem is I have nothing to put on these buggers. I have looked high and low for something but have had no luck. I'm not quite ready to try my hand at anything freestyle just yet. If you run across any other ideas that can be used to put on the pillows, I would love to know about it. Again thanks for sharing your pillows.
    Amy A Cosma
    CS Forum Member

  6. Amy, I am still giggling over the knee deep in pillows! lol
    I am too!!!!!!! LOL
    I'll e-mail you.


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