Goodness I just don’t know about blogger…I started a post and GONE! Frustration!!!
Have you ever seen the cover of a book and just knew you had to have the book…happened to me.
I am on Wanda Brunstetters mailing list for her website and a few weeks ago she announced her new book “The Half Stitched Amish Quilting Club”. So I bought the book on Amazon for my Kindle…It’s hard to put down…some of it’s fun/funny and some of it’s a life lesson – all around good reading.
ANYWAY….The Half-Stitched Amish Quilting Club is being made into a musical play.
It will open August 24, 2012 at the Blue Gate Theater in Shipshewana, Indiana, and will go through December 8, 2012.
You can purchase advanced tickets by clicking here.

You can check it all out on her site:
A bit of a synopsis of the book:
”Amish widow Emma Yoder's first quilt class brings the most unlikely people together. there's Star, a young woman yearning for stability; Pan and Stuart Johnston, a struggling couple at odds in their marriage; Paul Ramirez, a young widower hoping to find solace in finishing a quilt; Jan Sweet, a rough and tough biker doing some creative community service; and Ruby Lee Williams, a preacher's wife looking for relaxation when parish problems mount. But as these beginning quilters learn to transform scraps of material into beauty; their fragmented lives begin to take new shape with the helping hands of each other and the healing hand of God.
Join the club of unlikely quilters who show up for Amish widow Emma Yoder's quilting classes. A troubled young woman, a struggling couple, a widower, a rough and tough biker, and a preacher's wife make up the mismatched lot. But as their problems begin to bind them together like the scraps of fabric stitched together in a quilt, they learn to open up and lend a helping hand. Is this what God had in mind to heal hurting hearts and create beauty from fragments? “
You can also sign up to win this prize package!
And here’s what you could win:

- Transportation for two to Shipshewana, IN (see contest rules and regulations)
- Beautiful two-night accommodations at the Farmstead Inn
- A gift basket in his or her hotel room upon arrival
- A delicious family style meal for two at the famous Blue Gate Restaurant
- Tickets to the premiere of Half-Stitched the Musical (based on book)
- Lunch with New York Times bestselling author Wanda E. Brunstetter
- A carriage ride for two into the Shipshewana countryside
- The winner will arrive on August 24, 2012 and will leave on August 26
- The winning name will be drawn on June 29, 2012
So on to other things…it’s raining here – a great day to stay in and sew on my work.
Need to send some Candle Huggers out to Patti for a show she wants to take them to the middle of May.
Our youngest son Brett had back surgery on Monday – I sure don’t know what is happening to my boys – their backs/necks are giving out on them. What did I feed those kids!!!
He had the L 4 and 5 discs fused. The discs were completely blown out and the space between them was huge so the bone grafts/fusion was large. I pray for him for a fast and complete recovery although I don’t believe he will be able to go back to the job he had. He operates a large Caterpillar and the bouncing will undo everything the Dr. fixed.
We were up there all day of the surgery on Monday and then had to leave before he got back into his room…I had my 2nd shot in my lumbar in the SI joint so we had to come here to the hospital to the pain clinic.
But we went up last night and our middle son Dan came along and he took a picture of Brett with his phone…it’s kind of dark though.
Poor Brett looks so frazzled. Doug went and got him a malt before we left – one his favorite things.
He comes home today but I’m so surprised they didn’t put a waist brace on him…they stress strongly not to twist, reach or bend…can you imagine how difficult that is to get in and out of bed and even a chair??? My heart goes out to him.
We have been going back and forth to Janesville to visit my aunt who is very ill and always pass this really old and dilapidated farm/house. It dates back to the late 1800’s and has been a landmark we always love to see coming into Janesville. It will be no more…they are ready to burn it all down. For years I’ve been going to take pictures of this place, mainly for the corn crib…it’s unique and stands so proudly…a part of history will be no more. Now some of you may look at this and say ‘good riddance’ – for me part of our home town will be gone. We’ll miss seeing this every time we get to this bend in the highway…it has just ALWAYS BEEN THERE.
If you click on the picture you can see the old vines that once grew on the side of the corn crib…they are even dead.
Sad to see it go!!!!
Needless to say I have lots of work ahead of me sewing Candle Huggers…I decided to do an assembly line and not just a few at a time. In the end I think I counted 48 of these buggers.
I didn’t feel like working upstairs in the craft room so I set it up in the dining room – made it a bit more fun than being stuck up there all day long. Kind of had to move the house around a bit to accommodate me – brought in a lamp….a different chair. Oh…I did not take these pictures. (actually, I was getting the different chair when he snapped the pictures – think it should have been him carrying the chair, ya think!!!)
I think Doug has finally gotten the idea to take pictures now – he thought I needed Blog Fodder! He trains well don’t you think!!!
Although I did take this picture…as usual Lola has to be where I am – so she curled up on the end of my workspace.

I had a special order from a lady in Canada for a 33 inch Penny Rug with horses…she chose the colors after I sent her some horse designs she chose what she wanted…I am not one for horses in my house but I think it turned out quite nice. Hope she loves it.
The horse was just a sillouette but after laying it on I thought it looked a bit ‘flat’ so I added the black touches…I do think it gave it for life.
I see my following is getting close to 1000 – do you think I should have a giveaway if and when I reach that number????
May take awhile but I’ll start thinking.
Thank you all so much for all your support for as long as I’ve had my blog you have been wonderful, fun and faithful blog friends.
Blessings to all.