Not sure what to post about this week – not too much exciting a life I live.
The rain is coming down in buckets this morning and it’s dark – so happy it isn’t snow though. But we are to get some of that this week but I doubt it will stick as it’s so wet now.
Went to visit my step dad yesterday before going to a cousins supper and he showed me a picture of my mother – one I didn’t even know or possibly didn’t remember, existed.
It’s so lovely I almost cried. Boots asked me if I wanted it and I immediately said yes then saw his face and then said NO…IT’S YOURS! I will take it home and scan it and bring it back…he smiled! He’s such a dear man. Mom has been gone now for 45 years…a lifetime it seems as I was just 24 when she passed.
I’m guessing this is her graduation picture. Oh but I do remember her heart locket – I wonder what ever happened to that. I never got a remembrance of her so maybe my sister got it…she got her rings I know that.
I’m thinking of maybe taking this someplace to see if they can restore the cracks…I don’t want to make the cracks worse and I know he would not know what to do with it.
A couple weeks ago we went to a show and I found a few items – nothing exciting but it was still fun to shop
These pictures are quite large and we had hoped they would go in the screen room – the frames are so pretty done in an aged Aqua leaning toward a green.
I use a lot of pitches for gatherings – especially when I make Mimosa’s!
I have always had my eye on the White/God stoneware.
The little crocks I’m using for my salt and pepper at the stove.

And good Lord one always can use another sheep…LOL
This one is larger than it appears…it’s about 9 inches high and 12 inches long.

This poor wreath – I put it up here to see how it would look…I DO NOT LIKE HOW THE FLOWERS HANG OUT!!!
I’m going to have to find something to pin them close to the wreath – it looks like it’s going to take flight!
I like it much better than the door box and will like it much better after I fix it.
( I’m beginning to think this door does not need anything on it – the door box was hideous and now this is not working right )

Then I bought a few sprigs of Spring! Some purple things but they did not have a name on them for what they were but I liked the length and the color.
And some Forsythia branches and a couple clusters of Spring flowers to put in a crock.

These little beauties are going in a screen box for the screen room

See how pretty two of them look in the screen box…can’t wait to get the screen room ready for use although we have used it several times since Christmas – but I don’t have the pretties out there yet.
I have to be very careful not to junk up that room – I like keeping it bare but fresh looking so I think this box on one of the tables will be all I need besides those two pictures at the top here, and my birds nest that I keep on the coffee table. Won’t need any more ‘stuff’ out there.
On Good Friday last week we had Darren/family and Brett/family over for lunch and gave the little ones their Easter baskets.
Mirand – who is now crawling as of yesterday:

Em and Joe: I can’t believe how big these two are getting! 15 and 13 already.
Kids sent this Easter picture of Miranda and Aidan:
I wish I had something fun to post here for you all – some new things happening but there just isn’t.
Hopefully going up north the end of the week to my brother’s place. There’s a few Open House’s in Tomah and then I want to get to Wisconsin Rapids to Country Freckles. She has lots of new hooked rugs and wool in.
I’ve been getting out more lately – the pain is still the same but I’m pushing myself to do more and that aggravates it but I’m so tired of ‘not doing’ things I want.
I’m finally able to drive – what a freedom! And so the first thing I did was head to Kohl’s and look for some summer clothes.
I’ve lost quite a bit of weight over the last several months and nothing fits now. I’m counting on NOT PUTTING IT BACK ON as I really went down in sizes.
I get another injection on the 16th so hopefully that will take away the pain for a couple months and then probably more again. Then it will be another surgery for the SI joint which is the culprit and was in the beginning but the dr. did the lesser of the two surgeries thinking that would help…NOT!!!!
Recently blogger has not been updating the posts from the blogs I have on my sidebar…I see that some are shown as just posted but when I click on them to read they are several days prior…not sure why it isn’t updating.
I went to Bloglovin and see the current posts and then check my list and they are not the same. Not sure what is happening.
So some of the reason I don’t get to your blog right away is because it doesn’t show a new post for me here. But I do try and get to you!
QUESTION: If I want to get an e-mail that you JUST POSTED on your blog how do I do that?
I sometimes see a note at the bottom of peoples blogs that says “link to this post”…but I want to link to the BLOG…not just that one post. Anyone help here????
Blessing to you all…remember to say prayers for all our blog friends who need them right now and there are many!