Good morning bloggers!
It was recommended to me to try using Windows Live to compose my Blog posts and so here I am - hope this turns out the way I want it to.Okay all you 'texture' gals out there - I tried my Macro setting last night and was kind of pleased...I don't know why I never used it before but I think I got a few good ones.
This post is way close to my last one but I think that's okay...I try to do one at least once a week but here's two in one.
Textures Part 2
This will be the last of my Textures so enjoy - I want to go on to other topics and not bore you with all my photos - if I don't keep it interesting I just might lose my followers....which I can't believe is all the way up to 233!
So that's my textures and I do hope it was fun for you because it was for me.
It's a rainy week here but the temps are low and I love that so I'm getting a lot done inside.
I'm almost finished with my Special Order and hopefully I can get it mailed out on Monday and then it's DESIGNING for the Christmas holiday.
I'm so way behind this year and I can only thank Country Sampler for THANK YOU 'C.S. - because of you my business skyrocketed and is still going strong so that's why I'm behind on designing but I do have to get going - we figured out there's only 9 weeks for me to get it all done in...YOWZER...anyone want to sew for me?
After all this typeing and importing photos I pray this format works - if so I'm really sold on it and I would suggest you all using it as well because Blogger Editor can be such a pain...I haven't had a problem yet so if you want it just download WINDOWS LIVE and you can have an easy to manage program that imports it right into blogger.
I have a feeling you all might think I'm saying I don't like the texture thing...'I DO', it's just that I'm running out of textures and my posts are photo heavy and I really want to add other things.
Well, as I keep typing I'm making it 'word heavy' LOL, so on that note I'll say HAVE A GREAT DAY!
Hugs, Karen
P.S. IT DIDN'T WORK - look how messed up this is....I had no idea how to get my blog post into this I had to copy the html and paste it in here and than had to format it!