Well I'm about to wrap it up here with our trip photos so there might be a few more than usual in this post.We had the most wonderful week in Lancaster ever - I just didn't want to leave this time even though it was Columbus holiday there and the tourists (no us of course...lol) were there by the bus load!
Every hotel had at least one or two busses there nightly and at the different shopping areas they were lined up in the parking lots.....but THAT'S A GOOD THING WITH THIS SLUGGISH ECONOMY...which leads me to this - Where in the world does this theory come from????
People are BUYING! Have you seen them? And this is FUN SHOPPING....not necessary shopping. I think the media hypes things to put a scare into us. Just my opinion.
The Revere Tavern and Hotel....we have had dinner in here a few times - very old and Colonial.

Shops in Bird In Hand, PA

Historical houses in the little town of Strasburg - this town has some of the most beautiful homes I have ever seen and they are so well kept. Here are just a couple. The house at the top of my Blog is one of them.

An old mill just across the street from The Olde Mill House Shoppes posted in another section

A typical Amish schoolhouse


An amish farm tractor - notice the steel wheels
So anyway, on to the rest of the trip. We headed home on Wednesday morning Oct. 15th....and the colors had peaked during the time we were there. What a difference a week made. The most vibrant colors were between Harrisburg and Pittsburg.