if anyone has any for sale please contact me. I need quit a bit.
The weather here hasn’t been very Fall like and didn’t Fall arrive yesterday?
It’s drizzling, dark and windy here today – not a fun day to think of doing anything except having a fire in the fireplace and relaxing with a good book…yes, that’s what I’m going to do this afternoon!
I wanted to get my Fall decorating started today, but I had the first of 3 shots in my Lumbar on Wednesday so I’m to lay low for a few days to let it take effect so maybe I shouldn’t be running up and down the basement stairs anyway so I guess the Fall decorating will wait a few more days.
On Sunday late afternoon Doug went to Joe’s first Fall baseball game and it was a really cold and windy day and we invited them back here for supper and the kids had Grandpa make a fire in the fireplace – the first of the season and it sure felt good. Emily and Joe both got down in front and never left the spot until we called them to eat.
On Wednesday my brother and sister in-law came over for the afternoon and evening so we went to this cute little shop we love to go to when they come over. Called Finder’s Keepers and I found a cute Tin Pumpkin mold – it’s small and I wanted the larger one but she had sold out so got it anyway.
I found that I could get the larger one from Ragon House so I logged on to buy one but they are sold out – but they did have the Jack-O-Lantern one in 10 inches and the back side is just the plain pumpkin so I did order it along with a beautiful stitchery I had seen at the shop too…called Adam & Eve.
Here’s the Jack mold and I’ll just turn it around to the other side.
And the stitchery – it’s 14 x 30 – good size! And the fabric is very dark and old looking too.
Buying this has made me think about all the Counted Cross Stitch pieces I have done – and they are many but I don’t know where I put them all – some are packed away and I couldn’t find them today. But here are the one’s that are in the guest room.
I think I’m going to take them from the frames, darken them and put them in black frames…whatcha think???

This one is of Central Market downtown Lancaster, PA
I did this one in 1988
I purchased this kit at Sturbridge Village about 30 years ago
One of the first ones I stitched

Well, as if I didn’t have enough to do with my time I am going to start Rug Hooking!
It’s going to be very new to me – never tried it but always wanted at least one for myself made by me so as soon as my kit gets here I will start (providing I don’t have lots of holiday orders that is...this will be in my spare time..lol)
I didn’t want to start something of this magnitude (time and money) without the proper equipment so I went on e-bay and purchased the lap frame – well let me tell you they don’t give these babies away.
They run anywhere from $150 to $400 – I got this one for $66 plus shipping ($76.00 total).
I guess if I’m going to do it I better do it right or I’d not be happy with it and get frustrated. This isn’t saying that won’t happen on its own!

So I bet you thought you weren’t going to see any of the photos of the wedding from last Saturday.
I took several but only am going to put a few on here…I know they aren’t that interesting but our family is in them so thought I’d share.
I’m sorry this is such a long post but I haven’t been on here for some time so had to get it all in at once.
Doug’s sister Kenlyn (mother of the Groom)
Our Granddaughter Alex and boyfriend Tyler
Doug (right) with father of the Groom
Sister of the Groom, Andrea (left), Our daughter in-Law Jamie (right)
Jessica and Chad Poteat (nephew)

Dan and Jamie
All of us
This girl never stops smiling..she’s like this all the time! And just as sweet
Is that a genuine happy smile or what
They had a tiered cupcake stand instead of the traditional cake.
I really liked the way they did this wedding. It was very casual...no big ceremony of cutting the cake or any kind of speeches or presentations – just a fun celebration of two people ‘finally’ getting married!
Didn’t get a picture of the other food table.
It was an appetizer buffet and just wonderful food...gosh I loved this casual way they planned this.
Meatballs, Egg Rolls, Bacon Water Chestnuts, Chicken Wings, Ham and Turkey Sandwiches, Tons of relishes and cheeses and meats – many other things that I can’t even remember.
Then at 8:30 there was an Ice Cream Sundae bar – that went over huge.
And at 10:00 they had Pizza.
Coming in for the bridal party march
So for all of you who hung in here till the end…Thank You...I do get long winded at times don’t I?
Be glad you don’t live with me...
Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by.