This was our third year for our show but the first time it was open to the public and we certainly plan on doing it again next year.
On Saturday we had a steady flow of customers from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. with only an hour around noon when it died off and today we had a very good day with most of the customers coming early this morning....there was just no sign of a recession!
There was a snow storm coming in and we thought people would stay home but they didn't....when the snow started we still had people coming. Also, we had 5 repeat customers from yesterday - AMAZING!!!!
Our proceeds were over the top and for that we are so thankful for and not only that we met so many wonderful people and so polite and careful being in someone's home.
We had compliments that overwhelmed us not just on the products and the set up but about our home as well.
I have met a few friend through the Country Sampler Forum and they came to the show as well....three of them actually. One was from IL, one from way up north here in WI and one several towns away from here. What a super wonderful surprise!
My pictures didn't come out very well - they were rather blurry so I will take some more tomorrow and post them in a new post....sorry....but you all have been so kind and supportive and generous with your comments and I so wanted to share them with you right away.
Doug took me out to dinner tonight and now we are totally pooped out. Bless his heart he manned the cash register for two straight days - I certainly couldn't have done it without him and it gave me a chance to mingle with the customers and answer questions.

This is Carrie from Reedsburg, WI. Her and her husband Matt drove 2 and a half hours to get here! Sweet kids.

And me with Lorry from Illinois - she drove over 3 hours to get here and she brought a friend along and they stayed overnight and came back here this morning to shop some more before heading back home.

This is Jackie from Twin Lakes, WI about 35 minutes from here along with Lorry.