Sunday, January 10, 2010


Good evening everyone. This has been a long weekend for sure.

First off my computer got a virus of some desktop is blank - a virus warning comes up that I have to run my security - aniti virus but I can't it won't open - and when I click on the one that comes up it wants me to purchase it...IT HAS EVERYTHING BLOCKED and it says there's a DESKTOP BLOCKER VIRUS....I'm so darned angry right now because I need to get into my files for my business.

I did backup everything onto a jump drive like normal but it still frustrates me! So I'm on Doug's laptop and it doesn't have half of what I need so I keep working from the jump drive.
OH....I am doing this post in Blogger which I DETEST, especially after using Windows Live Writer...trying to put picture in...WHAT A PAIN.

I had so many things I wanted to complete this weekend but didn't finish a single thing - mainly I guess because of the computer thing. I went to the fix-it guy but he was closed and not sure when he'll be open.

I guess  we all have  times like that but I sure don't like it when it happens to me.
Doug left Friday on a delivery and I had plans to put my house back together and that didn't happen.

I unpacked all the containers and laid everything out on my table and then proceeded to go through it all in hopes of getting motivated....that didn't happen either.

So I went through it all and got a large container of things I just don't want anymore - I'm going to have an on-line yard sale very soon to get some of it sold....some of it is new and some is older and there are a couple vintage items as well.
I just don't have room anymore to keep rotating things like I have been.

Packing up what I don't want is the right thing and then LET IT GO! I guess you can say I'm purging. Some will say 'cleaning'. My husband will say YEAHHHH!

So be watching soon for a sale of WHATEVER I come up with....
Here's a sneak peek at all the goodies I unpacked...and there's more where that came from. I do think I have wayyyy too much stuff. NOOOO, all this isn't for sale. I just got it all laid out here to pick through.

It snowed quite heavy on Thursday (whew, just in time for Doug to get it shoveled and snowblowed) and I took a couple pictures that I like to look at after a fresh snow.

This one is right across the street in front of our house - our dining room with all the windows faces this - and I just love looking at this scene when we eat - we're in the city but it has a feel of being in the country. 

Outside our kitchen door I can see the birdhouses that in the summer are full of sweet birds - every now and then we see one trying to get in them through all the snow and possibly they do - never have seen them actually do it though. 

I previewed this post and it looked okay but I know from past experience that it never looks like you think after it is published so what you see is what you get this time till I get MY computer fixed.

Not a fun post today but I have had a couple of frustrating days! I need something and I don't know what!

I'm watching the Packers vs AZ and what a game.....GO PACK!
Have a great one,


  1. puter probs are no fun that's for sure! I hope you can get your's up and running again soon!


  2. Sorry you are having computer problems. I hate when that happens and always have to have hubby fix them for me! I'm not computer literate when it comes to stuff like that.

    Looks like you had quite the purging session going on there! Good stuff!

    Your snow pics are lovely but I am so sick of looking at snow! Hubby finally got my car out of the driveway today (yay!) and we took a short trip into town. I hadn't left the house since Wednesday so I was starting to feel like a prisoner!

    Have a great week!


  3. Some days it hits me how much of my life is on my computer, so I appreciate how frustrated you must be!! :(
    Your photos almost make me like Winter! =)
    My husband is a Packers fan too..while I on the other hand don't really understand the game at all. *whisper* I'm glad you understand it, for a while there I was convinced a person needed a Y chromosome to get it at all. Another silly theory I can send to the dump. :D
    Hang in there! :)

  4. Hey Karen:
    AAAAwwww I know the problems are no fun at all.. but hey... got my eye on a few things in your stash.. I'm # 1 one for the " courtin' candle holder"... if it happens to be going in the " for sale" pile..LOL. ao put my name on it.LOL
    Hoping you get your computer going soon..
    Whatever did we do before the age of computers.
    Blessings... and stay warm !!

  5. Sorry you are having such computer problems. If mine went down, I think I would give up. I can so relate to what you are doing in your home Karen. After I took down my Christmas decorations, I decided to keep a lot of my everyday decorations packed away. I did change out a few pieces but I still put two complete boxes of treasures back in the closet. I'm hoping to get together enough stuff to have a yardsale this spring. Good luck with your purging.

  6. Hi Karen,
    I had that same thing happen a few weeks ago. It's malware. Download Malwarebytes (free download), run the scan and it will get rid of it. It's very frustrating, isn't it! I had to boot up my computer in safe mode to be able to download it. I couldn't open anything without the anti-virus window popping up. After I got rid of it, I started using Mozilla Firefox, instead of IE. Too many problems like that with Internet Explorer.
    Good Luck!

  7. Oh I love your snow pictures...snow is my all time favorite thing!
    You sure are purging quite a bit of goodies there. I will definately be looking forward to seeing what you will include in your online garage sale. Those are always such fun!
    Stay warm and enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  8. The veiw from your kitchen window is so pretty:)
    I'll be waiting to see what you have for sale too!
    I don't know what we would do without Chris when our computer acts up...I know it is so fustratihg!


  9. Karen, sorry that you are having a rough spell. Like I say "some days it just doesn't pay to get out of bed". Hope the coming week is better for you. Loved the snow pictures.

    from Texas

  10. Oh boy, I feel your pain! I was without my computer for just 3 hours this evening and I was going nuts! It never happens when we don't need the computer does it?

    I have a pile similiar to that on the bar in my family room. After a few friends pick through it on Thursday, I am going to have things to get rid of too! Haven't decided how to handle it yet.

    I hope you get your laptop up and running soon!!

    warm hugs, Linda

  11. Uggggh computer issues, hope it's up and running for you soon! I would be so lost and frustrated without mine!!!
    I need to "purge" too, then I need to "part" that is the hardest for me. I am working on that, and hoping for a sale in the spring. That's my goal anyway! :D Good Luck with the purging!
    Have a Great week!!!

  12. That was some second half to the Packers game, wasn't it? I can't believe they lost that way in OT. We are very sad here tonight. On a brighter note, I'll buy any redware you put up for sale...

  13. I promise it will get better. Did I hear yard sale?? online yard sale??? Oh my goodness. I cannot wait. Did I see a wooden bowl on your table? Let us know when you will have this. I will be watching. I am still looking for some things for my mantle.

  14. I feel for you. My computer did the same thing and it won't let me get to my patterns or pics. I got a new computer but don't know how to use the photo program. I understand your frustration. Hope yours can be fixed, Valerie

  15. Hope things are better tonight,Karen. Just remember, this too will pass!!! This helps me get thru some really stressful situations and it will you,too.
    The snow scenes are absolutely awesome and something we rarely see here in the south...thanks for sharing!
    So glad to see you have a "stash" too...I was beginning to worry about myself and all my "stuff". Now, I know it just goes along with the territory. I do have things I need to share with others so maybe I will get inspired to do the same. Hope your week starts out great for you. Prim friend, Sherrie

  16. Oh my, computer problems! Just thought I was having some too as I couldn't seem to type anything. My son just got done typing spelling words and I couln't figure out what was going on. Well my darling Jasmyne (cat) is sitting on my desk and her tail was blocking the sensor for the keyboard! LOL! Love the looks of your pile! Love the sconce with striped candle, and the slip glaze pitcher, and.... LOL Can't wait. Hope your computer problems get resolved! Malwarebytes does do a great job! Love your yard pics!

  17. Sorry you're having some frustrating days. Not a fun post for you, but WOO HOO for me!! =] I'm looking forward to your online sale. I hope I don't miss it.

    Your snow pictures are beautiful! I can't tell you live in the city, it does look like you're in the country. How neat is that!

    Thank you for your sweet comments on my blog and for following me now. It's so hard to start out. I don't know how you all keep up with each other!

    I hope your week gets better~

  18. Karen,
    Sorry to hear about your computer troubles. It seems like that always happens when we really need to use them.
    Love your snow looks a lot like the view out my french doors in the dining room to our backyard.
    Can't wait to see what goodies you put online for sale. I'm still needing a lot of goodies to get the primitive feel that I want in my home.
    Take care and stay warm,

  19. Oh that does make me mad when someone has nothing better to do that ruin our computers!!!! I hope the computer shop opens soon for you. I know how you feel!!!! xxxRobby

  20. Just what you need. More things to add to the "January Letdown" after Christmas. My house is the same, my computer's "motherboard" even went. Dust everywhere, decorations to put away...January to me is a hard month.
    On the bright side, love your profile picture and header!

  21. Oh Karen you have my sympathy. I was recently without a computer for 3 days and although I had a laptop to work off of I hated it! I hope you find a quick solution to your problem.
    Your snow pictures are gorgeous! There's not too many things prettier than a pine tree dressed in fresh fallen snow!
    Oh my gosh I thought I had a lot of "stuff". Hmmmm an online garage sale....very clever. Be sure to let me know if you have one. Hugs, Loretta

  22. Hope your frustrating weekend is behind you and a better week ahead. Good luck with your purging--feels good to go through things from time to time and lighten the load.

  23. Sorry to hear that you are having computer problems. There is nothing worse especially when you use that source to see what is happening in the world around you and to check up on all of your bloggy friends.

    We have received quite a bit of snow too. I love it, but I am ready for spring (lol). I have a looooooong way to go - huh?

    Love all the goodies on your table. Oh could I go shopping PLEASE? You have lots of great goodies from what I can see : )

    Have a great week my friend and stay warm!!


  24. Oh No! Karen, I am so sorry about your computer! What a pain! I hope it can be fixed easily and inexpensively.
    I think your post turned out just fine. I sure have enjoyed looking at your piles of goodies! LOL! I have been paring down too, since right before Christmas. I have so much to go through still.
    Have a great week!

  25. Hello Karen~what pretty views from your windows! So sorry to hear about your compooter problems..I can certainly relate.. I too have way too much stuff..great idea to let go of some your collections! Stay warm friend!~Kathy

  26. Sorry about the computer problems. Those really stink. I have had a few myself! Beautful pics of the snow. I Understand about letting stuff go, I got the same thing to do.


  27. Hi Karen, It sounds like you sure did have a hard weekend. Thank goodness my Honey knows how to fix most problems when they come up!!! Me, no I am lucky I have a blog and that is still new to me,and Honey has to help me post pictures still. And I am a member of APP and can comment on other people's blogs that's about it!!

    I love ALL the things I see, I saw on APP your thinking of having a yard sale I can't wait. I would take it ALL,LOL,LOL

    I am going to Linda's Thrusday and I get to go through some things she is getting rid of. I can't wait!!!!!

    Karen, My Husband and I love your home in CS. We looked at it again last night. I keep them because you can get alot of great ideas!!!

    You and your Hubby stay warm and safe,

    Bleassings to you,
    Hillcrest Home Prims

  28. Love the snow pictures. I see so many treasures on that table. :)



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