So this afternoon I’m doing my Summer Newsletter for my website and I sent out e-mails to all of my contacts. I had done up the Newsletter and turned it into a PDF file for an attachment…yep, you guessed it. I forgot to attach it and everyone got a blank e-mail.
So I repeated! See what I mean by needing to slow down. I’m getting ahead of myself.
Anyway on with the busy…between Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthday’s, 2 Graduation’s and 2 Graduation Parties, 2 funerals and then the procedure which has kept me rather quiet…all of this was in a bit over a months time!
I’m ready for a break…we’re going to Arkansas the middle of July for a Cousin’s Reunion so that’s going to be my first break…not sure that Arkansas would be my first choice for a getaway but I’ll take what I can get at this point.
Not sure when the full effect will kick in all the way but the Dr. said 4-8 weeks…well, I don’t have that kind of time to sit still. Anyone who knows me knows this is killing me.
My backside looks like a pincushion – and very black and blue. I was really under the anesthesia because I don’t remember a thing except asking them to give it to me nice and strong and the next thing I was back in my room and then I slept the rest of the day. I was numb from that point on down to my toes for two days. This weekend I finally started getting the full feeling back in those areas. Please let’s hope this thing works!
Our Granddaughter’s Graduation party was Saturday – had a good time and there were lots of family and friends on all sides.
I took lots of pictures but to you they would just be ‘people milling around’ so I won’t bore you with them.
Alexandra by her cake and photo table
Alex’s Stepmother Jamie made her cake – she wanted a Marble cake with Strawberry filling and so Jamie being the ‘best Stepmother in the world’ made her very first one! She did a wonderful job didn’t she?
I’m not for Tattoo’s but Alex decided she was going to get a hip Tattoo with her 18th birthday money in honor of her baby sister who was a still birth late in the pregnancy – I think it turned out quite nice.
Naturally we don’t have a family gathering that I don’t get a photo of Aidan.
One of the guests brought her 4 week old puppies to show everyone.
And as Angie his cousin was leaving he got a ride with her.
Alex’s dad Dan and Alex in back
I have also added some new size
President Canvas Prints to the Primitives category
I had many requests for smaller sizes to tuck back in a shelf
I’m also offering them in a Sepia tone as well
5x5 Stretched Canvas and 5x7 Stretched Canvas
If you want to be on my Newsletter list just e-mail me
I think I’m getting crazy the longer I’m in this business - I’m considering signing up for a very large Craft Show in Lititz, PA for next August. It’s a bit late for this year to make new designs and different products but if I’m accepted I’ll have the better part of a year to prepare. So I had better get my creative ideas flowing.
I’m getting my ‘lost blog list’ back on my sidebar. I forgot how to do it the easy way so it has been a one by one process…again, I need to slow down and these things won’t happen!
Thanks to everyone who contacted me and if you aren’t on and want to be…please e-mail me.
Oh and I forgot…at the top of my blog where the tabs are…I put my Amish Fiction book list – I’ve already had people e-mail me asking about information on some of the books. So if you like to read Amish Fiction go check it out.
We’ve eaten so much ‘party food’ the past month I’m ready for a steak so that’s what is on the menu for this evening…time to go get it ready.