I tried to find a title for my post this week but I have so many odds and ends to post about that nothing would come to mind – so I thought of naming it for the first picture I’m posting – not one of my favorite topics – in fact I’m deathly afraid of these creatures.
For the life of me I don’t know why I allowed these to get this big – guilt about destroying it maybe ? Nope – just a HUSBAND who refused to destroy the web. And me who wouldn’t go near it to get rid of it. So it grew and grew and grew. Until this morning when I finally won out…no more spider webs and now I can clean off the porch! See the little creature crawling up to the left corner there….ICK!!!!
On to better things….
I designed a new Pumpkin Penny Rug yesterday – I left a free space at the top so a lamp, basket, candle or whatever can sit and not cover up the design…and the size is perfect – 13-1/2 x 14-1/2 inches.
If interested, click on photo to be taken to my website page.
Last week we stopped in a shop that was a temporary one – she had it open for Maxwell Street Days and we were on our way to get groceries so decided to stop in. Very glad because I found this wonderful 1800’s Glass and Pewter Syrup Pitcher – and the lid is hinged. I really didn’t know there were syrup pitchers but after doing research on them I found there are quite a few styles out there. I paid just $12.00 for this one and saw that some were selling for $50 - $150. Mine probably isn’t rare enough to in that category but it’s still lovely to me.
We have a Farmer’s Market downtown on Thursday afternoon/evening and the produce there is wonderful. There’s one who sells the best Sweet Corn…nice light yellow-white kernels, sweet, juicy and they snap when you bite into them. We have had corn the last 3 Thursday nights – I think I’m about done in with that menu now – time to move on but when you find something that’s really good it’s hard to give it up knowing you won’t get it again until the next growing season.
And as tradition since our boys were wee ones (grown and gone now) – we always set a picnic table of plastic ware when we ate Sweet Corn. I guess it came from them being small, corn being messy and a bit greasy with the butter so the tradition continues with just the two of us.
We have just grilled hamburger patties and normally sliced tomatoes – but last night I forgot to slice them up! And all on plastic…not very pretty but it is easy to clean up.We did get some super wonderful Pinwheel pastries at market too – these are Cheesecake Raspberry.
So it’s just a very simple supper when we have corn.![]()
A blog friend, Margie, from Hungry Hook Primitives had a wool sale last week and I lucked out on getting two bundles of very nice dark Primitive colors and a bunch of cut strips of wool for my rug hooking. I’m anxious for her next sale…hope my fingers are fast enough on the keyboard to lay claim to more before it’s all gone. http://hungryhookprimitives.blogspot.com/
So now that we have had some wonderful cool weather it has put me in the mood to go through my craft/office room upstairs – when working with fabrics you find many, many dust bunnies hiding in places you can’t see…so it was a day to pull everything out of the room, clean and also clean the carpet.
The closet got an overhaul as well. I put a stainless steel shelf unit in there and put all my supplies I don’t use often and kept the other shelves in the room for all the things I use daily – and it freed up space as well so now my chair fits in the corner better too on days I want to sit up there and sew.
It’s not the fanciest of work spaces but it is fine for what I need.![]()
All my Wool Felt I work with for my Penny Rugs
And now I also have a place for my Rug Hooking Wool and patterns that before were in plastic bins on the floor under the tables. I like being able to see my Wool so I know what to choose fromAre you bored yet???
Last Sunday or son/dil took us out on the judging boat for the Yacht Club – both are judges and they have to set up the course before hand – it was a horribly hot day but there was a nice strong wind – which actually was great for sailing but horrible for trying to find the wind direction to set up the course. But it did get done and they only got one race in (normally 2) because it started to get stormy looking and then thunder and it’s the judges call to cancel if they feel it’s too bad…so it was cancelled. But a fun time for the first race.
The sailboats are so graceful looking out there but it’s such hard work!
Well, it’s not hard work for me…just sit and back and relax!!!!![]()
This is one of the homes on an island on the lake – it’s one of my favorite things. Isn’t she a beauty!
Dan and Jamie getting ready to start the race
Hope you enjoyed your sail!!!
And now one last thing…you know the game ‘Where’s Waldo’?
Well, where’s ‘Baby’?
Honest to goodness I head something I couldn’t make out the sound one day last week when I was sewing…kept hearing this kind of scratching noise, not very loud and so I got up and started checking on things and this is what I found – she was laying on a shelf behind the Geraniums. isn’t she a hoot?![]()
Thanks for visiting me today.
Blessings to allKaren
Friday, August 12, 2011
Itsy Bitsy Spider – Changes - Hiding
Created By
My Colonial Home
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Good afternoon Karen! I very much enjoyed your post today and very glad you got rid of the spider too! I'm not afraid of them just don't like them lurking around "my space!" Your craft room looks wonderful and ready for more creating. Mine is a disaster zone this week trying to fill orders, complete swaps and make more things for the boutique in town-it is all put on hold till Monday when the grandsons go home. They come first!
ReplyDeleteHope you enjoy a beautiful weekend.
Continued blessings to you,
ReplyDeleteWaldo is so cute~ peeking out of the geraniums, boating looks so relaxing, supper yummy, love the plates~
For us we have had sweet corn for the last several night~ oh, I love it & fresh tomaotes!
enjoy the evening
I don't like spiders either. I usually grab a broom and "sweep" them away if I am able to! Otherwise I make hubby deal with them. :D
ReplyDeleteYour new pumpkin penny rug is gorgeous!
Sweet corn is my favorite summer veggie. It's usually on the table until it sells out! Then it's worth the wait until next summer's crop.
The race looked fun. I'd never join one, but being out on the water is so relaxing and enjoyable.
Blessings, Jessica
Hello Karen-
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed your post today. I Love your new pumpkin penny rug. Adorable! I think I'm ready for Fall, Lol!
Oh, how I hate spiders! I don't like it when I'm out in my flower beds weeding and come across those biggg black ones. Ick!!!!
I think my kids could eat sweetcorn for every meal, Lol! I too Love the yellow-white sweet crisp stuff, yum!
And fresh tomatoes...there's nothing better. Our tradition here is the first tomatoes we use for B.L.T'S.
The sail boat racing looked like fun!
Enjoy your weekend!
I really enjoyed the entire post! I love your penny rug, the off center design works great. Enjoyed all the photos too! Hope you have a terrific weekend!
ReplyDeleteHi Karen~
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your post today. Glad to be able to catch up with some of the things you've been up to. Your new penny rug is wonderful.
Enjoy your weekend~Becky
I am soooooo impressed by your orderly, well-organized crafting room.
ReplyDeleteIt looked so relaxing out on the water - it's a fun way to spend a summer's day.
Best wishes
Hi Karen, what a delightful post! Except for the spider - I can't stand them - hubby has to get rid of ours. I love your Pumpkin Penny Mat and your beautifully organized craft room. Sweet corn is my favorite vegetable. I could eat it every day when it is in season with fresh tomatoes - yum! That is a great syrup pitcher - I have never seen one with a pewter lid. Your boat outing looks like a lot of fun. I have never been sail boating, but it is something I would like to try.
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend,
Hi Karen,
ReplyDeleteI must say that web was a masterpiece but I'm with you the builder is creepy!
Loved the peek at your craft room. It looks so much neater than mine right now! (But it did inspire me to change that...)
Can't wait to see what you create with the wool from Margie. Those colors are so beautiful! And your new penny rug is lovely, too. :)
Have a great weekend!
OMG that spider and web gives me chills...hate them!
ReplyDeleteLike the rest of your post though.
Happy Friday!
Hi Karen, What a newsy post. Lovely to catch up on all that's been happening. Love your craft room, nice and orderly. Now you can find everything at any time.
ReplyDeleteGot a chuckle out of the last pic. Cheeky little monkey! Have a great weekend. Maa
Whew! You sure can pack a lot in a post Girl!! :o) Love your new pumpkin penny...that hit of green is perfect...and your new syrup pitcher...what's not to love about old glass and pewter in one piece? Awesome price too!! (Wanna sell it?) ;o) And your craft room....so neat and tidy and organized...somehow I expected that of you! If only I had a room to call my craft room (and, no, it wouldn't be that neat!)....you've got a nice hoard of wool started there...and nice additions from Margie....and what rug is that I'm spying on your frame??? Looks mighty fine....You gotta share with us you know!! And Baby...what a sweetie...she couldn't look more perfect tucked back in there than if you had posed her...Thanks for the fun update...Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin
ReplyDeleteHi Karen! I so enjoyed reading your post today! Love your new penny rug! Your corn looks delicious. We are enjoying really wonderful corn now too. A few more week and that will end. I have ordered 100 ears for freezing , then we can enjoy it all winter. Your wool is beautiful, yummy colors1 By the way, your studio is "way too neat and orderly"! How do you ever get anything done in there! LOL I have just a path to my machines in my sewing room! Hummmmm, you think that maybe that's why I can't get anything done! LOL
ReplyDeleteHave a great evening!
OLde Crow Mercantile
Hi Karen.. The sweet little kitty is so tiny I could hardly find it.. I love how you are so organized in your craft room.. If you saw mine you probably would act like you do with the spiders.. grin..
ReplyDeleteThe meal looks delicious and I can feel the wind on my face when I look at your sailing pics.
Have a grand weekend..sweet friend..
Hi Karen, I'm typing this from just down the road! We arrived in WI last night - today we had a college visit at UW Whitewater for Carrie. We all LOVED it. I will not be surprised if this is where she ends up going. Matthew is attending a basketball camp North of Chicago tonight (Friday), Saturday and most of Sunday. You were talking about Maxwell Street Days. I've never been, but Carrie has been here twice visiting Aunt Val and it was Maxwell Street Days and she just knew I'd love to be with her. Someday.....~Ann
ReplyDeleteWhat a great post! love all the pictures...but you can keep the spider web LOL eek..I just love your space you have to work in!! How wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteHey Hon!! I give you credit for coexisting with that spider for so long. I am absolutely positively TERRIFIED of spiders....really, that is an understatement!! I couldn't even look at the picture...ugh. Your craft room is wonderful! Can I come over and we can have a play date?? Love the new pattern for the pumpkin penny rug too, think I'll have to get one and try my hand at it. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you...I will, I promise. Enjoy your weekend! ~Kriss~
Hi Karen, Loved your newsy post today. The lake pics were great to look at on this rainy day. I'm glad your "friend" is gone-I don't like spiders either! Your new penny rug is wonderful! I'm getting inspired to get going on fall now too. Love the pic of your baby peeking out. I really had to look hard, couldn't see anything at first. Have a great week ahead! Dolly
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Karen! Love your little syrup pitcher.
ReplyDeletePug hugs :)
ReplyDeleteThat is such a cool web... it's amazing to me, that you can take it down one day and the very next they will have another....
I also got some wonderful wool from Margie, time to create some more, have a great weekend!!! OLM
Hi Karen, I just bought a package of wool from Margie too. I got the oranges. Getting ready to draw up a simple pumpkin to hook.
ReplyDeleteOur local farmer's market is on Thursday too. The prices have been 5-6 dollars a dozen. How have yours been?
We were in Amish Country in OH this weekend and it was 3.50-3.75.
Your pewter collection is really growing. Have a good week.
I love your crafting area, there's so much space!
ReplyDeleteThose sailboats are beautiful. I'm sure they are even more so in person...
Pictures look great on your post, Looks like you have been busy.
ReplyDeleteI don't like spiders either. Scared of them. Walked outside the other night into a web, thought I was gonna die,imagined spider crawling over me all night.
take care and really enjoyed your post.
Hi Karen ~~ Great read today ... so much going on in your neck of the woods. Love your newest pewter piece, what a collection you have. And your table set up was adorable I never would have known it was plastic ware looks great. Wonderful pictures of the lake & sailboats.
ReplyDeleteAnd your work-room is neat looks like everything is easy to find and lots of space to create. And finally have never in my life seen a web that big .. yikes you were very brave to take it on. lol
Blessings & Hugs ~~ Connie xox
Yikes to that spider web! Bet he was a big one!
ReplyDeleteLove the new Pennymat design!
The Pewter Pitcher is to die for. You can just pack it up and send it my way. ;)
The corn looks soooooo yummy!
Your craft room looks so clean and Nice. I shold take the inspiration and go deal with mine. LOL! What a lovely boating trip! And bad kitteh in the plants!
Have a wonderful week!
I love your new penny mat. You do beautiful work. Your craft room is great too. Everything at your fingertips. Then there is Waldo, so cute.
ReplyDeleteHi Karen,
ReplyDeleteI don't like spiders either!!! YUK!
Love your post.Your collection of pewter is awesome...I think it is very warm and just adds something to a room...Blessings to you and your family...
The pics of the sailboats are so cool! What a fun day that had to be. And that house! I would love to have tour of that. Your sewing room is awesome, so neat and organized. Want to come and visit me? I could use help!
Yikes! Those are big webs... too big for me. I am right there with you sister on how we feel about spiders. I can't go near them or their webs. So much so that I can't even look at the picture!
ReplyDeleteAnother beautiful penny rug! Cute little white pumpkin. I love the colors and simplicity of this design.
Mmmm...freshly grown sweet corn, LOVE it! Your very simple supper looks delicious to me and now I'm craving some sweet corn.
I enjoyed seeing pictures of your crafting space. You always show pictures of your beautiful home but I've never seen this space before. Goodness, it is so neat & tidy... are you sure you "work" in there, lol. All that wool is so pretty. I just wanna run my hands all over it, hehe!
The sailboats are beautiful! You all got some really neat pictures of them. I bet it was fun to watch them. That would be a nice, relaxing time.