Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Are you where I’m at?

By that I mean a slump – don’t really know which way to turn in my creative thoughts.
I was working on punch needle and love doing that so much that I needed to STOP!  It is very addictive and hazardous to your housework!
I was fortunate enough though to sell the 4 punch needle projects that I did and I so thank the ladies who purchased them. Three I sold on the internet and one sold at the shop I took it to….the very next day.

The last one I did I put on a distressed painted board – I really like this pattern and may make another one.
I thank you Ellie for purchasing it.
Board with house punch needle

So that’s the end of my creativity!

Pineapple line art
I did get a wholesale order for some of my Traditional Penny Rugs so that will be keeping me busy for quite awhile now.
I got the Osnaburg dyed and hung out to dry – I love when I don’t have to hang it in the basement or put it in the dryer – such a better Primitive look.
Osnaburg on line

I got the pennies cut for two of the diamond shape rugs – I counted up how many pennies I need to cut for all these rugs and it totaled 774 and I cut them by hand – I don’t want to use one of those machines that gets them perfectly round, as it is I think I do a pretty good job of getting them round just by hand.
Now mind you these are just ‘laid’ on the fabric – nothing is stitched so the pennies will not look like they are in place – I do that when I start pinning them together.
Diamond shape 1 

Diamond shape 2

Diamond shape 3

All pennies have been cut for all of the ones she ordered so I certainly have been keeping busy.
But I like this kind of ‘busy’.

Pineapple line art

Last Wednesday we had our church Spring Luncheon.
The ladies guild do such a great job of every event they put on – this one was no different…very well done.
There were tables reserved for the elderly and handicapped that attend all our functions and there was a guild lady assigned to  each of those tables.

I got these pictures before everything was set out but thought I had better before it got crowded with people.
I believe the pastor said they fed 183 people.
Church ladies

Church luncheon 2

Church luncheon 5 

Church dessert table

Church luncheon 3

Pineapple line art

The week before last we had dinner with Darren and MaryAnn for Aidan’s school.
A portion of the bill went to the school for proceeds from that evening.
So we met them there and had a very enjoyable time.
Aidan saw lots of his school buddies – and gal buddies so he had a constant smile on his face.

supper with darren 1 

Pineapple line art

Have you ever received something from someone you never met or knew?
Well a friend of mine knew of a lady who wanted to get rid of some wool so she told her about me – the lady messaged me and said I could have the wool for just the cost of shipping.  I was a bit skeptical but said yes.
Well the wool arrived….it was mostly ‘Black’ and some dark Reds – my colors.
The best part was I was NEEDING Black for my penny runners and didn’t want to order any.  I was saved by this angel !!!

Just look at all that Black!
The Black pieces are huge – not sure how much is there but at least 3 yards in each bundle.  And the strips (which are large stacks) are all ready sized to run through the wool cutter for rug hooking.
Thank you Joanne from Florida.
Wool from Joanne 2 

Pineapple line art

Before I leave I want to share a fun picture of our granddaughter Emily and her prom date Drew. I smile when I look at this. She can’t remember what happened to make this picture.
Emily and Drew

That’s about it for this week – my posts are becoming fewer and far between.
Not a lot of exciting things going on I guess.
But I won’t give up blogging – and I hope you all won’t either.
I love this way of sharing way more than FB!

Blessings to all

Pineapple line art


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Some Punch Needle Finishes

Hello my good friends – I hope this first part of April finds all of you in the throws of Spring like in the poem by Paul Curtis
Its spring time
When beauty is released
Like a hand stitched
Patchwork masterpiece
Nature shows off
Her spring time finery
Spread like a throw
Over all you see

Pretty much says it all doesn’t it?

It looks like Spring just may happen here although I don’t want to say it too loud!

We have been hard at work in the yard – the side yard really needs some attention this year. Our neighbor came over Sunday with his rider mower and thatched it for us….now it looks dead!   But some fertilizer and more rain will do it wonders.
Anyway Sunday was a day in the yard – 68 degree temps and work cloths!
Cleaning out the left over leaves in the bushes – lots of tiny scratches on my arms after that job….there are bushes along the other part of our yard as well that got it.
Cleaning Bushes 1

Knees and seat…couldn’t find a good
comfortable way to clean them out.
No matter how I did it I hurt like
crazy but I was determined.
Cleaning Bushes 2

Other than that it has been quiet here.
I am anxious for a week from today for the next gathering – if all come that said they would there should be about 9 of us here around the table.  If we don’t get to chatting too much I will hopefully get to take some pictures of their work in progress or even finishes.

And speaking of finished….I have been Punch Needle crazy these days.
I did this piece and mounted it on an aged bread board.
I put it on FB and it sold the same day!
It is a Lori Brechlin – Not Forgotten Farm pattern called Coxcomb and Tulips.
Punch needle on board

Then yesterday I finished up these two pieces and framed them.
Brenda Gervais pattern
‘Three Tulips’
Frame measures 11” x 13”
Rabbit Sampler punch needle
And this cutie
Pattern by Threads That Bind
‘Peaceful Prairie’
Frame measures 8” x 10”

Sheep with Clover punch needle

I have the ‘traditional’ Cameo punch needle set that I use all the time but I thought what if something happened to it or I lost it what would I do…so I was at Walmart last week and saw this really inexpensive set of 3 punch needles $5.95 – couldn’t hurt.
Anyone ever used anything like this.  I haven’t tried them yet – thought I would do a few practice punches on scraps.
punch needles

The Thursday night before Easter I went to my favorite little Prim shop for a cookie decorating class.
Every now and then Tracy has something fun happening and this one interested me.
We each got several cookies and all the royal icing to decorate with – the lady showed us a few tips and it really helped.
This is what I ended up with – need practice but it sure was fun….and they tasted wonderful

Saturday we are going to Appleton to an antique show
so maybe we’ll find something of interest to post about.

So that’s it for now

Blessings to all