Friday, January 12, 2018

That time of year

Yes, that time of year when most people are making New Year's resolutions (which I don't and never have), changing out their decor...going on winter vacations...well, none of that here. Seems things got a bit stagnant for some reason.

There are so many house projects I want and need to do but one thing leads to another - that ole snowball the den and hall  trim needs to be freshened up...
but doing that makes the wall paper look bad, which by the way
will come down some day and I plan to stencil.
See what I mean by a snowball effect?

Oh and our bathroom counter and sinks need replacing but doing that means we need to chip away at the wall tiles that surround the counter...ARRGGGHHHH!!!
One wrong wack and we replace wall tiles.

Okay...enough ranting.

The house does feel nice and clean and uncluttered since Christmas
has been put away, that much I can say has been done.

I've been trying to get some new punch needle designs going and have only done one so far.
You can find the pattern here:

Between filling orders I have been working on a punch needle for us.
It's called 'Shepard's Shade' by Threads That Bind.

Doug made a wonderful hornbook for it last week and he did an awesome job...
I can see more in the future.
I need to paint and age the board
but am waiting to buy a certain kind of paint off the internet.

One of my customers who's order I shipped last week sent me a picture of it in her home...
I love seeing how my work looks in their homes.

And this is one I just finished for another customer.
She wanted it done on the Army blanket wool.
The first diamond one I've done on this wool.

Last week I was working at my desk early in the moring and the sun was out that day and shined through a crack in the curtains and beamed right on George....
such a beautiful site!!!  Gave me a feeling of hope!!!

I guess that's it for me...I know it's nothing but didn't want you all to think
I dropped off the earth - although I feel it being gone so long from blogging.

Blessings to you all and a wonderful 2018


  1. What a wonderful photo of George!! I love the way the sun is hitting it. I know exactly what you mean about one project leading to another. I try to get all the house cleaning finished before Spring when I want to be outside. I just can't seem to get motivated !! Love the punch needle.

  2. I agree that picture - a feeling of hope - love the new needle punch too.

  3. I love the sun shining on George Washington, too... pretty. Your penny rugs are wonderful and I still want to learn how to do punch needle! Happy New Year!

  4. Always nice to see a post from you. Hope 2018 is a great year for you abd your family.

  5. Hi Karen and a Happy New Year to you!! I completely know that snowball effect of needing and wanting to get started on new house projects, but the moment you avalanche happens for the next 4 months! I decided to do a lot of clearing out as Christmas was packed away and reading a wonderful new book on the life of FDR . January has been cold down here in Florida so it has been fun to focus on projects inside and getting cozy with some tea and reading this quite large book!

  6. What a wonderful post. I suspect our avalanche will be beginning soon. It’s time for a new couch, but it’s the new carpet in the whole house that concerns me. The last time we had new carpet put in was when we moved in before the stuff though. We’ll get through it, but I sure will be glad when it’s over and done with.

  7. Ohhh what beautiful things you've been making! Love that penny rug. It all looks so warm and cozy!~

  8. just discovered your blog today on a cruise around the Internet. Great post and love that sunlit painting of George Washington... I agree, hopeful!!! That's something we all can use these day. I am just learning punch needle and am awaiting a frame so I can get started on my first project. I look forward to visiting your blog and am going to have a peek around now. Hope you get a chance to visit my new blog sometime. Hugs for now from snowy New Hampshire...


So glad you came to visit - feel free to leave a comment.
I will try and answer as many as I can - maybe not immediately but I will get to you!
